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About Us

Dream Sylhet is one of the most popular news portals in Sylhet region. We are committed to provide you the most updated news, the in-depth stories and the analytical views without any viusness. We are totally nutral in political or communal issues. But we always stand besides the truth. Dream Sylhet has been doing the factual journalism since the beginning. We believe, half truth is more harmful than lie. so we took the challange to uphold the truth always and everywhere. That is why Dream Sylhet has become a symbol of trust and dependence among the people. And this is the merely power of the team dream Sylhet. We are very happy that we passed several successful years. We have been blessed with the love and trust of the people across the journey. We are thankful and grateful to the readers for being wiyh us. We are confident enough that we will be continuing our success stories and will be contributing for the nation and the whole humanity.

With best regards Sheikh Abdul Mazid Editor, Dream Sylhet.